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Flow Control Valves VEV-10


  • Hydraulic directional element, with multifunction potential when used with other directional, pressure, or flow control devices.
  • VEV series is a spring-biased blocking valve which will shift to allow full flow from 1 to 2 only when 3 is vented to create a pressure drop across the internal orifice which exceeds the pressure value of the selected bias spring force.

  • Specifications
  • How to Order
Model Number Maximum Pressure (bar) Maximum Flow (lpm) Weight (kg)
VEV-10 350 (5076 psi) 60 (15.85 gpm) 0.2 (0.55 lbs)
Fluid Type ISO VG 32, 46, 68
Viscosity (cSt) 10~400 (59~1854 SSU)
Operating Temperature (°C) -30~100 (-22~212°F)
Contamination Level ISO4406. 20/18/15 NAS1638. 9